Fall has definitely arrived!
Here is a useful article in French how to protect your windows in autumn.
Ne laissez pas cet automne pluvieux embuer vos fenêtres à double vitrage Par Rémi Leroux
De la condensation est apparue à l’intérieur du double vitrage des fenêtres de votre salon? Voici ce que vous pouvez faire pour régler le problème.
L’une des fenêtres du salon de Constance, lectrice de Protégez-Vous, présente des traces de condensation depuis quelques années et celle-ci se demande quelles solutions s’offrent à elle. Installées en 1993, les fenêtres commencent à avoir du vécu, explique cette jeune mère de famille de Longueuil, qui reconnaît n’avoir rien fait jusqu’à présent pour régler le problème de buée. Or, avec les nombreuses journées pluvieuses de ce début d’automne, le problème s’est accentué. «La présence d’humidité s’explique en général par une usure des composants isolants de la fenêtre», dit Annie Gauthier, conseillère en communication et porte-parole chez CAA-Québec. Sous l’effet du soleil et des différences de température, les joints se dilatent et se contractent et, avec le temps, finissent par se fissurer, laissant passer de l’air entre les deux parois de la vitre thermos, précise-t-elle. L’air se condense ensuite et des gouttelettes d’eau se forment. La vitre thermos est composée de «deux panneaux de verre maintenus espacés par un intercalaire collé et rempli d’un produit déshydratant pour absorber l’humidité de l’air intérieur lors de sa fabrication», explique le site guideperrier.com, spécialisé en rénovation.
En plus de vous gâcher la vue, un verre thermos embué perd donc ses propriétés isolantes. Dans le cas des fenêtres de Constance, l’humidité a même fini par faire rouiller l’intercalaire en aluminium qui recouvre les isolants. Pour régler le problème, deux solutions s’offrent à elle.
Solution 1: le désembuage Le principe est simple: il s’agit d’évacuer l’air humide contenu dans le verre thermos et de le remplacer par de l’air sec. Pour y parvenir, faites appel à une entreprise spécialisée dans le désembuage. Le professionnel percera deux petits trous aux extrémités de la vitre. Une solution nettoyante à base d’alcool (qui sèche rapidement et ne laisse pas de trace) sera ensuite injectée afin d’extraire l’eau et l’humidité accumulées entre les deux vitres. Une fois l’air asséché, les orifices sont refermés à l’aide de bouchons résistants. Le désembuage peut être une bonne solution à la condition de s’y prendre à temps. «Il faut agir entre six mois et un an maximum après l’apparition des premiers signes d’humidité, sans quoi le traitement risque de ne plus fournir sa pleine efficacité», fait remarquer Annie Gauthier. Le coût d’un désembuage est d’environ 80 $ par fenêtre. Toutefois, l’une des compagnies sollicitées par Constance ne se déplaçait qu’à partir de trois fenêtres à traiter.
Solution 2: changer le thermos Pour Écohabitation, le désembuage est une solution temporaire. L’organisme spécialisé dans l’habitation écologique suggère plutôt de remplacer la vitre thermos de votre fenêtre, ce qui permettra d’en renforcer l’efficacité énergétique. Écohabitation recommande par exemple de choisir un double vitrage recouvert d’une pellicule à faible émissivité Low-E sur la partie intérieure et rempli de gaz argon, meilleur isolant que l’air.
Les conseils d’Écohabitation en cas de buée dans un double vitrage:
La technique du désembuage n’est par ailleurs pas adaptée pour le double vitrage conçu avec un gaz inerte (argon ou krypton) puisque l’air remplacerait l’argon. «La fenêtre perdrait donc ses qualités écoénergétiques», précise Annie Gauthier. Constance n’a pas eu d’autre choix que d’opter pour un remplacement du verre thermos. «On m’a expliqué que nous avions trop tardé à intervenir et que le désembuage n’aurait de toute façon aucun effet», dit-elle. Coût de l’opération: environ 250 $ pour la fenêtre.
Source :https://www.protegez-vous.ca/Nouvelles/Maison-et-environnement/Ne-laissez-pas-cet-automne-pluvieux-embuer-vos-fenetres-a-double-vitrage
Residia Celebrates Halloween!
Surprises and candies for children that cross through the haunted forest and reach the witches' den!
Saint-Laurent in action!
It was announced that the completion of the new Sports Complex Saint- Laurent, located on Thimens Boulevard near Bois-Franc area is approaching! Accessible for all St. Laurent residents, the new facilities will allow citizens to enjoy indoor soccer courts, 25 meter swimming pool, a recreational pool, gymnasium, multipurpose room and more! Great opening is planned for the beginning of 2017!
Bois-Franc garage sale !
Building on the success of past editions, the annual Bois-Franc garage sale will return Sunday, May 29, 2016 at the Grand Place in Bois- Franc. The garage sale is intended as a family event and not a flea market. No new item will not be sold. Book quickly a table and/or just enjoy the bargains with your family and friends!
Sunday, May 29 at 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Residia's haunted house!
October 31st from 5pm to 7:30pm
For the Halloween occasion, battle your way and discover the mysterious and dark world hiding behind the doors of Residia . Eccentric characters, surprises and sweets for the whole family !
Peter Kavouras joins our team
Being a licensed real estate broker with over 13 years of experience in Saint-Laurent, Peter is a must in the sector. His skills and values both professionally and personally are in line with our corporate culture. This new partnership strengthens our position on the market. We welcome him and wish him a bright future at Residia.
Invitation: A private art exhibition with artists Leïla Labelle et Nathalie Lapointe
Invitation: A private art exhibition with artists Leïla Labelle et Nathalie Lapointe.
Take advantage of being among these two artists to admire their work of art. Enjoy complimentary cocktail drink.
Leïla Labelle
Leïla combines in a very personal way, the style of ancient frescos with traditional symbols, geometric figures, Moorish motifs, Venetian medallions, hieroglyphic writings and calligraphy of the world.
Leïla's steps to creation of her artwork can vary in the creative process. The texture is created to give the illusion of an ancient fresco aged by the passage of time. Many coats of glazes worked in rising intensity in her colour choice, somewhat soaring and at other times temperate. The artist also uses encaustic technique, using beeswax to create different textures and effects
Nathalie Lapointe
We contemplate the works of Nathalie Lapointe as if we were in front of a Fata Morgana mirage (assigned by the men of the Middle Age to the famous fairy Morgane, inhabiting a mysterious island and using magic ...) hence the name of this curious event of light rays properties, creating a surreal image of distant towers which appear to float in an equilibrium surface tension.
High in colors and contrasts, the paintings of Nathalie Lapointe transport us into her expanding universe and evolution that reveal towns that sparkle like a jewel box.
Looking forward to welcoming you,
The Residia Team
Bois-Franc Market
Good news! Bois-Franc market is proud to announce the arrival of the following food truck: Le Quai Roulant. He will be at Grande-Place as of Saturday July 26th and August 2nd. Don't miss out!
QR Code technology
Josée Duchesne and her team are proud to announce that we are the first in Bois-Franc and Nouveau Saint-Laurent to offer the QR code technology to our customers. These codes can be decrypted by smart phones then give access to a hyperlink to a web page. By implementing this new technology on our signs, each user can thus obtain, with a minimum wait, all the information related to the property. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the information is immediately delivered to the user.
Benefit from this new service to enhance your property and therefore increase its chances of being sold.
Bois-Franc party
The Residia team invites you to participate in large numbers to the Bois-Franc party. Fun for everyone. Visit the Grand Place Saturday, June 11 between 10:00am and 2:00pm.
Bois Franc Xmas event !
The Residia team wishes you the best for this holiday season. You can look at the pictures of the Bois Franc Xmas event right here :
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Noël 2010 |
2010 Halloween pictures !
On october 31st, Residia invited all of Bois-Franc and Nouveau Saint-Laurent residents to celebrate Halloween with us and our entertainers. More than 700 people gathered at our boutique where they were entertained by a clown, a tightrope walker, juggler and stilt walker. Door prizes were given during this memorable day
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Halloween 2010 |
A treat for mom from Residia !!!
One more reason to come celebrate Halloween at Residia ! We will treat all moms with a free «Mummy card» to allow you to shop and save at hundreds of vendors, get a 2 week certificate at Le Sporting Club Sanctuaire, $25 Gift Certificate at Victoria Park Health & Wellness Centre, redeemable at Medispa, 2 cinemas Guzzo move passes and Fidelity Card, and much more, courtesy of the Mummies List. Don't miss this special activity !!!!
Residia celebrates Halloween !
October 31st from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. come celebrate Halloween with us and our entertainers: fire-eater, stilt walker, unicyclist, tightrope walker, juggler and clown. Numerous door prizes and costume contest.
Furthermore, for the final touch to your little ghouls’ costumes, we are pleased to offer face painting to the children of Bois-Franc. Reserve early as there will be many little monsters ! (By reservation only). At Residia, 2500 des Nations, between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Finally, join us for the Fundraising at La Grand-Place, to benefit the Ste-Justine Hospital, organized by Henri Cant, an 8 year old Bois-Franc resident
Residia at the children's festival
The Residia team along with everyone involved in the children's party at the Grande Place on June 19 enjoyed a great day. Many thanks to everyone involved and those who participated.
Beautiful photos here:
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Fête à Bois-Franc |
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Fête des pères |
Congratulations to our Valentine's Day Winners
Thank you for participating in such a large number to our Valentine's Day Draw. The two $200 gift certificates to be spent at Le Japon restaurant were won by : Mary Spina et Marie-Thérèse Copti. Congratulations to our two winners.
I hope you enjoy your evening !
Josée Duchesne
Residia in Voir !
The urban weekly Voir just published an article on Residia. The reporter underlines the innovation aspects of Residia along with our unique services.
Read complete article (in French)
Halloween pictures
On october 31st, Residia invited all of Bois-Franc and Nouveau Saint-Laurent residents to celebrate Halloween with us and our entertainers. More than 700 people gathered at our boutique where they could be entertained by our clown Totoche la Caboche, the tightrope walker, juggler and stilt walker. Door prizes were given during this memorable day.
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Halloween 2009 |
Launch Event
On October 8th, the Residia boutique was officially launched during an event where residents, builders, clients, local politicians and media representatives were gathered to what turned out to be a smashing success. The boutique resonated to the sounds and music of Jazz musicians, kids playing together and guests enjoying wonderful conversations. You can get a glimpse of this wonderful evening here. Or better yet, come by and visit or RE-visit us!
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Photos soirée lancement RESIDIA |